The BFL can be upgraded to include up to 256 channels (in 64 channels steps) which enables live comparison of good and bad boards.
The Board Fault Locator can be fitted inside a standard PC case with PCI interface (one empty CD-ROM bay required) or inside an external case (MultiLink) with USB interface (please contact sales for details).
In-circuit and out-of-circuit (TLL or CMOS)
Through hole or SMT (DIL, SOIC, PLCC, QFP)
Library range from NAND gates to CPUs
Standard or custom logic (Graphical Test Generator)
Digital V-I Tester
Digital IC Identifier
EPROM Verifier
Short Locator
TestFlow Manager
1x SYSTEM 8 64 channel Board Fault Locator module
1x Board Fault Locator cable set
1x Automatic out-of-circuit adapter
DIL Test Clips: 20 pin (0.3”) and 40 pin (0.6”) DIL test clips
SYSTEM 8 software on CD-ROM
Standard PCI interface