Precision measurement of ferromagnetic steel tubes Foerster

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Thương hiệu: Foerster

Giá bán: Liên hệ

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Thông tin sản phẩm
The CIRCOSON WT sensor system works on the basis of the so-called EMAT (Electro Magnetic Acoustic Transducer) method. This method electromagnetically creates and receives ultrasound waves. The EMAT method facilitates ultra precision wall thickness measurements of ferromagnetic seamless steel tubes in accordance with international standards. The data is transferred directly to the CIRCOSON WT test and evaluation equipment where it is processed and analyzed. The system reaches a wall thickness measurement accuracy of approx. ± 50 μm and maximum throughput of up to 3.2 m/s during continuous testing.

The CIRCOSON WT system is often used together with the ROTOMAT and TRANSOMAT system. The latter perform additional material testing for longitudinal and transverse defects. As a complete system provider, FOERSTER develops tailored testing lines that perfectly meet your requirements.