DigiratorDigital Audio Generator DR2 NTI Audio

Mã sản phẩm: DR2 |
Thương hiệu: NTI Audio

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Máy tạo âm thanh Digirator Digital Audio Generator NTI Audio DR2

Model: DR2 
Hãng: NTI Audio

Yêu Cầu Giá Tốt

Thông tin sản phẩm
Sine Wave, Noise, Polarity, Delay, Chirp and Sweep
A full range of digital audio test signals for maintenance, repair and calibration of professional audio equipment is generated. User test signals may be stored as uncompressed WAV-files in the DR2 memory.
Digirator DR2 screen Wave Selection
Multi Format SYNC Input
The DR2 accepts AES3, DARS, Word Clock and Video Black Burst (PAL and NTSC) synchronization signals. The input impedance of the sync input may be switched between 75 Ohm, 110 Ohm and High Z.
Digirator DR2 screen Sync-Input
Channel Status Monitoring
Channel status information can be generated in professional and consumer format and the most important parameters may be manipulated manually. Display of incoming channel status data is also supported.
Digirator DR2 screen Sync Impedance Selection
Store Preset Configurations
Up to 10 complete instrument configurations can be stored in the internal flash memory and reloaded for repetitive tasks. The saved settings may also be transferred to other DR2 instruments.
Digirator DR2 screen Configuration
Dolby Digital, Dolby E and DTS
The DR2 wave file player can play back multi-channel bit stream files. A set of 5.1 test sequences for the verification and optimization of surround sound equipment and installations is stored on the unit’s flash disc.
Digirator DR2 screen DTS
Measurement Functions
Channel Transparency Check
The DR2 tests whether a transmission channel is transparent for nonlinear PCM signals and indicates if Dolby E, Dolby Digital and/or DTS bit streams can pass. This test is also suitable for any digital audio recording device.
Digirator DR2 screen Transparency
Channel Delay Measurement
The propagation delay between any DR2 digital audio output and the XLR sync input (which accepts AES3 signals) may be measured and displayed in seconds or video frames.
Digirator DR2 screen IO-Delay
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