Diameter control for bar and tubes Aeroel

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Thương hiệu: Aeroel

Giá bán: Liên hệ

Yêu Cầu Giá Tốt

Thông tin sản phẩm
BARLINE Laser Measuring Systems are particularly suitable for the diameter control of ground bars or drawn metallic tubes. Thanks to a perfect balance between straightforward operation, reliability and advanced performance, BARLINE Systems represent today’s ideal solution for process automation and quality control.
Our Performance
BARLINE is a Laser System which has been specially designed for on-line gauging of the diameter of products manufactured in cut lengths, such as:

steel ground bars,
steel drawn tubes,
copper tubing ..
It measures the diameter and the ovality from 0.1 to 149 mm, using single or dual axis (XY) laser gauges, depending on the diameter range and the type of product.
It records and prints the maximum, minimum and average values read along the bar and, following the pre-set tolerance limits, it triggers suitable sorting signals at the end of each bar.
It performs automatic grinder regulation keeping the product within the tolerance limits throughout production.
Detailed statistical reports are processed and printed for each bundle of bars.
It can be easily interfaced with a Computer to download measured data or to allow remote system programming.
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