25 GHz sampling oscilloscope with TDR, CDR and optical options PicoScope 9300 Series PicoTech

Mã sản phẩm: PicoScope 9300 Series |
Thương hiệu: PicoTech

Giá bán: Liên hệ
2 or 4 channels
Up to 25 GHz bandwidth (14 ps rise time calculated)
1 MS/s sample rate to 32 kS store
64 fs, 15 THz effective sampling rate
Up to 15 GHz prescaled and 2.5 GHz direct trigger
Pattern sync trigger of length 7 to 223–1
1.8 ps typical RMS jitter
16 bit ADC resolution
Thông tin sản phẩm
Oscilloscope – vertical (analog) 9300 models 9300-25 models
Channels PicoScope 9341: 4
All other models: 2
Bandwidth, full 20 GHz 25 GHz
Bandwidth, narrow 10 GHz 12 GHz
Pulse response rise time, full bandwidth 17.5 ps (10% to 90%, calculated) 14.0 ps (10% to 90%, calculated)
Pulse response rise time, narrow bandwidth 35.0 ps (10% to 90%, calculated) 29.2 ps (10% to 90%, calculated)
Noise, full bandwidth < 1.5 mV RMS typical, < 2.0 mV RMS maximum < 1.9 mV RMS typical, < 2.5 mV RMS maximum
Noise, narrow bandwidth < 0.8 mV RMS typical, < 1.1 mV RMS maximum < 1.0 mV RMS typical, < 1.3 mV RMS maximum
Input connectors 2.92 mm (K) female, compatible with SMA and PC3.5
Resolution 16 bits, 40 μV/LSB
Scale factors (sensitivity) 1 mV/div to 500 mV/div in 1-2-5 sequence with 0.5% fine increments
Operating input voltage 1 V p-p within ±1 V range (with digital feedback, single-valued)
±400 mV relative to channel offset (without digital feedback, multi-valued)
Nominal input impedance (50 ±1) Ω
Accuracy ±2% of full scale ±2 mV over nominal temperature range (assuming temperature-related calibrations are performed)
DC offset range Adjustable from −1.000 V to 1.000 V in 10 mV increments (coarse). Also adjustable in fine increments of 0.2 mV. Referenced to the center of display graticule.
Maximum safe input voltage 16 dBm, or ±2 V (DC + peak AC)
Optical/electrical converter (PicoScope 9321)
Bandwidth (−3 dB) 9.5 GHz typical
Effective wavelength range 750 nm to 1650 nm
Calibrated wavelengths 850 nm (MM), 1310 nm (MM/SM), 1550 nm (SM)
Transition time 51 ps typical (10% to 90% calculated from tR = 0.48/optical BW)
Noise 4 μW (1310 & 1550 nm), 6 μW (850 nm) maximum @ full electrical bandwidth
DC accuracy ±25 μW ±10% of full scale
Maximum input peak power +7 dBm (1310 nm)
Fiber input Single-mode (SM) or multi-mode (MM)
Fiber input connector FC/PC
Input return loss SM: −24 dB typical
MM: −16 dB typical, −14 dB maximum
Timebase (sequential equivalent time sampling mode)
Digitizing rate With digital feedback (single-valued): DC to 1 MHz
Without digital feedback (multi-valued): DC to 40 kHz
Delta time interval accuracy
  Sequential equivalent time For >200 ps/div: ±0.2% of of delta time interval ±12 ps.
  Random equivalent time For =200 ps/div: ±5% of Delta time interval ±5 ps, whichever is smaller.
  Real time ±0.2% of of delta time interval or full horizontal scale, whichever is greater.
  Sequential equivalent time 5 ps/div to 3.2 ms/div (main, intensified and delayed)
  Random equivalent time 50 ns/div to 100 us/div
  Real time 2 μs/div to 100 ms/div
  Roll 200 ms/div to 10 s/div
Time interval resolution
  Sequential equivalent time =(screen width) / (record length) or approximately 64 fs, whichever is larger.
  Random equivalent time 4 ns min.
  Real time 1 μs min.
Data record length 32 to 32 768 points (single channel) in x2 sequence
Deskew 1 ps resolution, 100 ns max
Acquisition modes Sample (normal), average, envelope
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