XRF Coating Thickness Measurement and Materials Analysis X-Strata920 Oxford Instrument

Mã sản phẩm: X-Strata920 |
Thương hiệu: Oxford Instrument

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XRF Coating Thickness Measurement and Materials Analysis

Model: X-Strata920
Hãng: Oxford Instrument

Yêu Cầu Giá Tốt

Thông tin sản phẩm
*Operation by the production line or in a laboratory
*Rapid measurement (seconds) from one to four coating layers
*“Slotted Chamber” to measure large area samples, e.g. printed circuit boards, flat sheets etc
*Simple calibration setup

*Analysis of gold and palladium thickness of electrical contacts, for example Au/Ni/Cu
*Measurement of solderability on printed circuit boards such as Ag/Cu/Epoxy
*Metal Finishing - Minimise production cost of the plating process and maximise production output
*High performance accuracy and long-term stability

*Fast and precise analysis for production cost optimisation
*Accurate determination of elemental thickness
*Optimised performance across a wide range of elements
*Ease of use for production staff
*Rugged and robust design

*Multi sample and multi point analysis
*Single or multi layer thickness measurement
*Plating bath analysis
*Precious Metals / Metal Alloys - Rapid, non-destructive analysis of jewellery and other alloys

*Gold analysis, i.e. Karat and other elements determination
*Precious metal alloy assay
*Compliance testing -  Ensure products conform to specifications

*Analytical methods (empirical or Fundamental parameters, FP) provide simplicity and reliable quantitative results when no calibration standards are available
*Methods are created in minutes
*We supply certified standards for best accuracy (A2LA and ISO/IEC17025 accredited)
*Preloaded calibration parameters available
*Range of hardware configurations, i.e. Standard base, Minwell, or automated table to cover a wide range of sample types
*Compliance with ISO3487 and ASTM B568 test methods
*Analysis of variety of sample shapes and sizes

 *Analyse a wide range of sample types from miniature electronic components to bathroom fittings
*A range of hardware options is available to suit every need
*Electronics - Increase productivity with better process control

*Determination of hazardous substances from ppm to high % levels
*Quantification of toxic elements e.g. Cd, Hg, Pb etc to verify compliance
*RoHS screening following IEC62321
*High reliability testing for aerospace - positive identification of leaded solder

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