Measure TOX, AOX & EOX with one instrument
Injects AC (Activated Carbon) columns directly into furnace
Acetic acid destruct tube removes acetic acid vapors from the combustion exhaust gas and the resulting smell from the laboratory
Runs on Compressed or Atmospheric Air; Oxygen, Argon and Carbon Dioxide Gas Cylinders Not Required
EOX Option for Extractable Organic Halides in soil analysis
40-position autosampler for TOX(AOX)
50-Position autosampler for EOX
40-position Frit Autosampler for Batch AOX (standard)
Surface Water, Groundwater, Wastewater & Drinking Water
SW846 Groundwater Monitoring
EPA Methodology 450.1, 1650, 9020, 9023 & 9076
Standard Methods 5320
Meets requirements of 40 CFR 265.92. for drinking water, wastewater and ground water
ICR (Information Collection Rule) and DBPR (Disinfectant/Disinfection Byproducts Rule)