Thiết bị đo độ bụi ENVIRO-11E Grimm aerosol

Mã sản phẩm: ENVIRO-11E |
Thương hiệu: Grimm aerosol

Giá bán: Liên hệ
Thiết bị đo độ bụi
Mode: ENVIRO-11E
Hãng: Grimm aerosol

Yêu Cầu Giá Tốt

Thông tin sản phẩm
• Flow and return of the permanent rinsing air for keeping the optical measurement cell clean
The 11-E offers the user all possibilities when saving or retrieving the measurement data. The measurement data can be conveniently accessed and observed online via Bluetooth or Ethernet at the workplace on the laptop or tablet. Additionally, the measurement data can be stored on an SD card. 
The efficiency of the device meets the standards PM10 (EN12341) and PM2.5 (EN14907), the US EPA, the Russian GOST and the Chinese requirements.
• Simultaneous display and output of measurement data of all PM dust mass fractions every six seconds up to one hour
• Particle size distribution in over 30 size channels
• Advanced data communication interfaces (SD card, USB, Bluetooth and Ethernet)
• Small, portable, tough, battery-powered 
• Integrated, removable 47 mm PTFE filter for subsequent gravimetrical and chemical analysis (dual technology)
• Self-test at each start-up
Data interfaces of the new 11-E: SD card, USB, Ethernet, Bluetooth, RS-232

Thông số kỹ thuật


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