Sample Conditioning Drawers Universal Analyzers

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Thương hiệu: Universal Analyzers

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Sample Conditioning Drawers
Hãng: Universal Analyzers

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Thông tin sản phẩm
The SCD 1570 coolers have a moderate capacity thermoelectric cooler. The SCD provides a self-regulated 4.0°C dew point gas sample. The coolers condense the water from a wet gas sample with minimal loss of the water soluble gas fraction. This results from the unique design of the heat exchangers. The separation occurs in the heat exchangers which have a highly polished cylindrical surface cooled by thermoelectric Peltier devices to the desired dew point temperature. These heat exchangers are available in a variety of materials including Stainless Steel, Kynar/Glass, and Hastelloy.  For special applications, stainless steel heat exchangers can be Silconert 2000* coated.

The Sample Conditioning Drawer is 10.5” H by 19” W and 27” L. The system comes standard with the following: Sample Pump, Peristaltic Pump, Inline Filter with Water Carry Over Sensor, Pressure Gauge, Vacuum Gauge, Alarm, Switches, Calibration Gas Regulator, Solenoid Valves and Analyzer/Bypass/Calibration Gas Flow Meters.

Chiller capacity: 2 to 8 LPM @ 20% liquid
77°F Ambient - dewpoint controlled at 4°C
CCS – Condensater carry over sensor accessible on rear of rack
2 Micron filter accessible on front panel
Maximum of 6 calibration gas selection solenoids
Internal calibration gas regulator – Set @ 10 Psig
System or direct calibration selection w/ block & bleed design
Four channel sample conditioner system (Maximum)
Six calibration gases (Maximum) direct or system calibrations
Designed to be remotely controlled by a data logger or toggle switches
19” Rack mount chassis with drawer slides
Chiller 3050 or 1050 equivalent thermoelectric gas sample chiller
316SS Heat exchanger/impingers, Kynar/glass and other materials and coatings are available
Vacuum gauge, SS, liquid filled (0 – 30” Hg)
Pressure gauge, SS, liquid filled (0 – 15 Psig)
Sample vacuum switch (adjustable – Set @ 7”HG)
Sample pressure switch (adjustable – Set @ 5 Psig)
Loss of calibration gas pressure switch (adjustable-Set @ 5 Psig)
Single head mini dia-vac sample pump w/ integral B/P regulator
Dual head peristaltic liquid pump
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