10 bit resolution; up to 13.8 bits with Optimized Filtering
1 GHz- 4 GHz bandwidths
Up to 40 GS/s sample rate
15.4" capacitive touch screen
MAUI with OneTouch
Designed for touch
Built for simplicity
Made to solve
Advanced Tools
Jitter and Timing Analysis Capabilities
WaveScan – Search and Find
LabNotebook Documentation and Report Generation
History Mode – Waveform Playback
Optional Software Packages
Advanced Customization
Digital Filtering
Spectrum Analysis
Device and Switching Power Supply Analysis
Comprehensive set of serial data analysis, debug, validation and compliance tools
16 digital channels with 1.25 GS/s
Analog and Digital Cross-Pattern Triggering
Digital Pattern Search and Find
Analog and Digital Timing Measurements
Logic Gate Emulation
Activity Indicators
Thông số kỹ thuật

>>>> Disk Drive Analyzers DDA 7 Zi-A Teledyne Lecroy chính hãng