- Motor load monitors monitor motors for overload and/ or underload. They are simply wired into the motor supply line and evaluate the phase angle between the voltage and the motor current or, optionally, the active current. That facilitates monitoring drive motors which enables, for instance, detecting a break in a V-belt or the blockage of a filter or valve.
- As current directional relays, they monitor the direction of the flow of current to generators and whether current is being supplied or consumed.
- The digital display and many adjustment facilities allow optimising the device for each task.
- Rated supply voltage Us : AC 230 V, +10%/-15%, 3VA, 50 Hz
- Power factor (cosϕ) : -0.99...+0.99
- Hysteresis (cosϕ) : 0.05...0.20
- Nominal current of motor : 0.2...10 A (higher currents with current-transformers)
- Overload capacity : 10 A continuously, 15 A max. 3 s
- Input Volatage L1-L2-L3 : AC 100...400 V, 48...62 Hz
- Relay : 2 change-over contacts (co)
- Type of contact : Type 2
- Rated ambient temperature range : -20°C...+55°C