Measurement Hardware imc CRONOScompact IMC DataWorks

Mã sản phẩm: imc CRONOScompact |
Thương hiệu: IMC DataWorks

Giá bán: Liên hệ
Measurement Hardware
Model: imc CRONOScompact
Hãng: IMC DataWorks

Yêu Cầu Giá Tốt

  • 024 2242 8148
Thông tin sản phẩm
The imc CRONOScompact is the single most comprehensive data acquisition system for electromechanical testing on the market today. Integrating measurement, control and simulation into one housing provides you with the reliability of absolute synchronization, and the convenience and ease of use of having all of your tools in one place.

Portable and rack-mounted enclosure options
Modular reconfigurable hardware adaptable to changing testing requirements
Supports virtually any physical sensor
Sophisticated and intuitive triggering system
Versatile storage options including onboard removable flash media
Networkable with other imc systems for synchronous acquisition of thousands of channels
Onboard real-time data analysis and reduction
Standalone, remote or interactive operation
Configuration and operation software: imc STUDIO
For comprehensive data analysis and reports, imc FAMOS software is ideal