Máy so màu Konica Minolta CM-512M3A

Mã sản phẩm: CM-512M3A |
Thương hiệu: Konica Minolta

Giá bán: Liên hệ

Máy so màu

Model : CM-512M3A

Hãng sản xuất : KonicaMinolta

Yêu Cầu Giá Tốt

Thông tin sản phẩm

Máy so màu

Model : CM-512M3A

Hãng sản xuất : KonicaMinolta

The Konica Minolta CM-512m3A Spectrophotometer is a multi-angle spectrophotometer that was created for use with metallic paints. The device has 0° viewing and illumination angles at 25°, 45°, and 75° that work with an exclusive geometry.

The device’s unique geometry offers an orientation error free symmetry that is often found lacking in other multi-angle devices. This device’s illumination provides impressively accurate results on both traditional and curved surfaces making formerly difficult samples such as door handles and vehicle mirror bodies easily measurable. The lack of moving parts means the handheld CM-512m3A Spectrophotometer is very hearty and rugged.