Máy quang phổ tia X EDX2800 Skyray

Mã sản phẩm: EDX2800 |
Thương hiệu: Skyray

Giá bán: Liên hệ
The EDX2800 is the #1 seller at Skyray Instrument Inc. With over 3000 of these leaving our manufacturing plant yearly, the EDX2800 stands out in price, usability, repeatable testing. The EDX2800 is equipped with 8 automatic collimators and 5 automatic filters which makes the system completely automated. Another great benefit of utilizing the Skyray EDX2800 system is that it does not require any Liquid Nitrogen, this goes for all our systems.

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Thông tin sản phẩm

Technical Specifications

Measurable Elements: From Sulfur to Uranium (76 Element Total)
Automatic Collimator and Filter Switching
Professional RoHS detection capabilities
Intelligent RoHS analysis and software
Test Time: 30-300s
Silicon Pin Diode Detector: 165eV
Analysis Range: 2ppm - 99.999%
Detection Limits of hazardous substances in RoHS directive reaches 1ppm
Ambient Temperature: -20°C - +50°C
Electro-Cooled Detector
Power Input: 110V AC or 220V AC