Analyzer SX-300 has a distinctive characteristic, an additional sensor, which measures oil products volume resistivity with high precision. Therefore, fuel analysis may be based on two values, which allows measuring octane number of petrols with ferriferous (ferrocene), nickel and manganese additives, and to determine other substances content.
By using this measurement principle the instrument allows to determine:
contamination content in oil products;
pour-point depressants content in diesel fuel;
engine oil base number;
oil products volume resistivity.
When determining petrol breakdown time, the petrol brand is selected in the instrument. The instrument switches to corresponding operating mode. Oxidative stability determination complies with GOST 4039-88 (ASTM D 525)
Motor oil brand identification is based on the permittivity determination principle. Genuine motor oils have certain value for this characteristic. Leading manufacturers’ oil brands are included into the instrument database (the database can be renewed or changed).
Water-in-oil percentage of oil and oil products is determined in compliance with GOST 14203-69 (Dielectric humidity measuring method). This allows using the instrument as a dielectric moisture indicator for oil products.
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