HIGH VOLTAGE PULSE ATTENUATOR 102 Series Barth Electronics

Mã sản phẩm: 102 Series |
Thương hiệu: Barth Electronics

Giá bán: Liên hệ

This unit utilizes a patented design, which provides for maintaining good HV capabilities and goodpower dissipation. While this unit has a simpler housing design than our precision attenuators, forbetter heat dissipation, it still provides a very respectable and clean 50 ps output risetime.

Yêu Cầu Giá Tốt

Thông tin sản phẩm

Voltage Ratio: 10.0/1 Vr (20dB)
Maximum Input: 5.0kV, 80ns FWHM Pulse, 500kW Peak Power**
2.5kV, 400ns FWHM Pulse, 125kW Peak Power
 1.25kV, 1600ns FWHM Pulse, 31kW Peak Power
Average Input Power: 5W maximum
10W with optional fins (Model CF) for external cooling
Impedance: 50   1%
Risetime through Unit: < 50ps
Bandwidth (-3dB): DC to 7GHz
Reflection-TDR: < 2% to a 100ps risetime step function
SWR: < 1.05 to 1GHz
 < 1.30 to 4GHz
Voltage Coefficient: < 1% at rated voltage
Connectors: 102-NMFP-20 N Male/Female**
102-GLP-20 GR 874 locking
 102-GP-20 GR 874 non-locking
Dimensions: 102-NMFP-20 5” long x .8” dia.
 102-GP-20 4.5” long x 0.625" dia.
 102-GLP-20 4.5” long x 1.01” dia.
Weight: 3/8 lb.