THE 925VST is a powerful handheld voice over packet (VoP) service qualification tool for field deployment and troubleshooting personnel who need a rapid and reliable installation tool.
- Qualify Voice Services
+ Test the networks ability to transmit distortion free voice in both directions
+ Provides Clarity Merit Score (MOS)
+ Measures audio level
+ Measures background noise
- Bad MOS Scores?
+ Detect and measure packet loss
+ Detect and measure voice clips
+ Detect and measure noise hits
- Qualify Fax Service
+ Test the networks ability to transmit fascimile
+ Sends real fax!
- Isolate Echo Problems
+ Detect and measure echo
+ Verify echo cancellation
- Ensure Customers Can Access Voice Mail
+ Verify DTMF transmission capabilities
- Verify End-to-End Network Performance and Provisioning
+ Measure network delay
+ Measure jitter buffer performance
+ Verify codec type
+ Verify phone number translation (automatic callback)
+ Verify dial tone delay
+ Measure call completion time (post dial delay)
- Verify IAD Performance
+ Test the IAD's ability to emulate POTS
+ Measure loop current
+ Measure ring voltage
+ Verifies dial tone