Flexible thin film measurement instrument nkd-8000 Aquila Instruments

Mã sản phẩm: nkd-8000 |
Thương hiệu: Aquila Instruments

Giá bán: Liên hệ
Flexible thin film measurement instrument
Model: nkd-8000
Hãng: Aquila Instruments

Yêu Cầu Giá Tốt

Thông tin sản phẩm
- The nkd-8000, is the most advanced design in our innovative range of desktop thin film measurement systems, purpose built for enhanced functionality and flexibility, to meet all your thin film analysis requirements – from research to production and quality control.

- Non-destructive determination of refractive index, extinction coefficient and film thickness measurement, of single or multi-layer thin films and substrates is achieved using the simultaneous measurement of Transmittance and Reflectance spectra.

- This capability is unique to the nkd range and guarantees photometric precision, unattainable with conventional spectrophotometers.
- Key features of the nkd thin film analysis systems, are the ability to capture spectra using polarised (s- and p-) or unpolarised light and at continuously varying angles of incidence, enabling thin, multilayer and complex films to be analysed with ease.

- The X Y mapping platform enables film thickness and refractive index profiling of entire substrates and scanning can be performed over a wide spectral range.
- Full data capture and thin film analysis takes only 15 minutes and the powerful Pro-Optix™ software makes the whole process of obtaining film thickness and dispersion for your coatings fast and simple. In fact, for a single layer of unknown poperties, the nkd can obtain the film thickness, refractive indices (dispersion) and absorption coefficient – from just one measurement !

- Transparent samples are handled with ease and are infact an advantage as they allow for the determination of absolute absorption (1-(T+R)). Transparent substrates require no roughening or blackening of the back surface - they are simply placed as manufactured on the sample stage. Metallic films are also catered for in the analysis with metal algorithms.
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