Computerised Ink-o-scope Model 92SAV-SC2 Lloyds

Mã sản phẩm: 92SAV-SC2 |
Thương hiệu: Lloyds

Giá bán: Liên hệ
Computerised Ink-o-scope
Model: 92SAV-SC2
Hãng: Lloyds

Yêu Cầu Giá Tốt

Thông tin sản phẩm
- Very high accuracy 100% Reproducible results
- Ergonomic Design
- Data recording speed of 1000 readings a minute
- Individual display of all programmable test parameters
- Zero to Minimal Maintenance
- Tackoware Software (optional) for graphical online presentation, data interchange and comparisons of infinite resultsDownload PDF
- Easy cleaning
- Data recording speed of 1000 readings a minute
- Zero to Minimal Maintenance
- Rubber rollers for conventional or UV curing inks
- Individual display of all programmable test parameters
- Easy DIY digital calibration by simple dead-weight method (No varnishes or ink)
- Tack Measurement in three independent simultaneous separate scsales:

+ 0-50 gm-mtr (Inkometer-ASTM)

+ 0-50 gm-mtr (Inkometer-ASTM)

+ 0-600 (Europe,Tack-O-Scope)

+ User settable for reference

+ Test speed : 150 to 3000 RPM (720 Meters/min)

- Data Capture speed of up to 1000 readings / sec
- Create databases for future reference
- Create Comparison charts for unlimited tack data
- Easy setup and configuration on Windows OS
- Programmable cycle to run test unsupervised
- 15 years of bug free operations
- USB or Serial Port for half Duplex communication
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