Carrier to Noise Generator CNG Series DBM

Mã sản phẩm: CNG Series |
Thương hiệu: DBM

Giá bán: Liên hệ
Carrier to Noise Generator
Model : CNG Series
Hãng : DBM

Yêu Cầu Giá Tốt

Thông tin sản phẩm
- The CNG-70/140 is a fully automated test instrument that sets and maintains a highly accurate ratio between a user-supplied carrier and internally generated White Gaussian noise. The instrument operates over a wide range of power levels. The modular design provides one or two totally independent channels covering 50 to 180 MHz. The instrument utilizes dBm’s proprietary microprocessor controlled attenuator with 0.015 dB resolution, so resolution uncertainty is less than 0.008 dB. Typical attenuator error is less than 0.02 dB over its entire frequency range and attenuation range.  The CNG corrects for noise density and signal level variations over frequency, and integrates the actual noise power over the user defined signal bandwidth. The carrier signal path is never interrupted.

- The CNG-1-800/2700 covers  800 to 2700 MHz, with the same accuracy as our 70/140 MHz units! In the CNG-1-800/2700, noise generation, attenuation, and power measurements are done at IF, so there is no degradation to ratio accuracy. Total noise bandwidth is 125 MHz, wide enough for virtually every application while still providing a high noise power spectral density.

- C/N, C/No, Eb/No, and C/I modes
- 1 or 2 independent RF channels
- Frequency ranges up to 2.7 GHz