Cân điện tử Dataweigh Omega Yamato

Mã sản phẩm: Dataweigh Omega |
Thương hiệu: Yamato

Giá bán: Liên hệ
Cân điện tử
Model: Dataweigh Omega
Hãng: Yamato

Yêu cầu giá tốt: 0984.843.683, Email: hien@ttech.vn

Chúng tôi cung cấp các thiết bị đo lường sau

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Website: www.ttech.vnwww.store.ttech.vnwww.tshops.vnwww.stock.ttech.vnhttp://www.omega-air.vn/

Thông tin sản phẩm
- High-speed and high-accuracy weighing 
+ The improved weighing system is faster than 200wpm, and increases production yield. It realizes a reduction of the production line and reduces the consumption.
+ Auto-tuning of feedback amplitudes together with Yamato’s Automatic Feeding Control(AFC) realizes optimum product flow.

- User-friendly operation 
+ The large 12.1-inch LCD touch screen and 3D animated images make operation easy for anyone.
+ With Auto-tuning, feeder amplitudes and filter parameter of Lattice filters are automatically set. It removes the stress associated with complicated operation.

- Ease of maintenance 
+ The load cell withstands up to 150kg, so that extreme caution is not necessary for maintenance and cleaning.
+ Various information for quick recovery with alarm display and replacement time display for consumable parts.

- Food safety 
+ The IP67-compliant body can be washed perfectly to eliminate accumulated product particles and prevent the growth of bacteria.
+ YDB buckets have no space for dust and bacteria propagation and no aging degradation on the bonding plane.
+ The polygon-shaped bucket is easy to clean as it is light and rigid and corners are an obtuse angle.

- Power consumption is reduced by 60%
+ Dataweigh Omega series contributes to cost reduction and to saving the environment.
+ Clear Product Window for perfect sealing contributes to the reduction of packaging waste during production.

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