Benchtop Spectrophotometers ColorFlex EZ Coffee Hunter lab

Mã sản phẩm: ColorFlex EZ Coffee |
Thương hiệu: Hunter lab

Giá bán: Liên hệ

Máy đo màu quang phổ ColorFlex EZ Coffee Hunter lab

Model: ColorFlex EZ Coffee Hãng: Hunter lab

Yêu Cầu Giá Tốt

Thông tin sản phẩm
- Measures the reflected color of roasted coffee grounds, including freeze-dried, as well as instant powders
- Product-standard storage with Pass/Fail tolerances
- Displays Color Data, Color Plot, Spectral Data and Spectral Plots
- Available with 45°/0° measurement geometry
- Requires very little bench space
- Can be connected to a printer or a PC
- Compatible with EasyMatch software