Accutherm Multi-Zone Pyrometer AT EDI Electronic Development Labs

Mã sản phẩm: AT |

Giá bán: Liên hệ
Engineered to function flawlessly, the Accutherm is a Portable Temperature Monitoring System for recognizing potential problems in temperature related applications for peak performance, production, and efficiency.

Yêu Cầu Giá Tốt

Thông tin sản phẩm
Accutherm Applications:

The Accutherm is ideal for monitoring multiple zones
in plastics processing applications. 

Preventive maintenance in the diesel engine industry and engine applications.

Useful in heat-treating facilities and foundries.

Applicable in the rubber and glass industries and any application
where multiple temperature zones are monitored.

Used in food processing, furniture manufacturing and numerous other industries!

Accuracy 1° C (1° F) 
Resolution 0.1° C (0.1° F) up to 199.9° C and F
Display 127mm (1/2") LCD
Battery 9 Volt
Window Tempered Glass or Lexan®
Thermocouple Type J or K Mini-Plug
Case ABS Plastic
Dimensions 8.9" x 7.8" x 3.5"
Channels Standard 10 or Optinal 20

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