ViTiny UM06 HDMI/USB Autofocus 5MP Digital Microscope with Measurement

Mã sản phẩm: UM06 |
Thương hiệu: Vitiny

Giá bán: Liên hệ

Kính hiển vi ViTiny UM06, 

The ViTiny UM06 tabletop digital microscope is a total autofocus digital microscope camera with exchangeable lenses, 5MP high definition, HDMI and USB connection. The UM06 is easy to set up and operate, suitable for applications in laboratories and classrooms.

Thông tin sản phẩm

Kính hiển vi soi nổi ViTiny UM06

UM06 can be plugged into a computer with USB cable, or a high resolution monitor with HDMI cable (1080P high quality). The included ViTiny software allows users to view a live image, capture images and videos, measure and edit. Users can controls focus, zoom, white balance, exposure value and luminance through the IR remote control. The lens are exchangable. Within the focal range, one can choose suitable image parameters and ensure the best image quality.


Working distance :14cm ~3.5cm
Magnification: 20x ~ 150x on 22” monitor
CMOS Sensor :5 M pixel resolution
Dimension: φ 106 * 141.6 mm\
Built-in 30 top view LED lights with adjustable brightness
USB 2.0 Transmission

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