Máy đo PH/ORP, KP-10Z Kasakara

Mã sản phẩm: KP-10Z |
Thương hiệu: Kasahara

Giá bán: Liên hệ

Máy đo PH/ORP

Model : KP-10Z

Hãng sản xuất : Kasahara

Yêu cầu giá tốt: 0984843683, Email: hien@ttech.vn

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Thông tin sản phẩm

Máy đo PH/ORP

Model : KP-10Z

Hãng sản xuất : Kasahara

Keiki Specifications
Name Glass electrode pH / ORP meter
model KP-10Z
Measurement method PH: glass electrode 
ORP: Platinum electrode 
temperature: semiconductor temperature sensor
Measurement range pH: 0.00 ~ 14.00 (minimum unit 
0.01PH) the ORP water: -1900 ~ 1900MV (minimum unit 
1mV) MV: -1900 ~ 1900MV (minimum unit 1mV) 
water temperature: 0.0 ~ 50.0 ℃ (minimum unit 0.1 ℃)
Reproducibility pH: ± 0.02pH within 
ORP: ± 0.2% within 
the water temperature: 0.2 ℃ within
Temperature compensation It comes with automatic temperature compensation function
Ambient temperature 0 ~ 45 ℃
Memory function Up to 30
power supply DC4.5V (radiolabeling 4 LR03 × 3 ka) automatic power skills (after 30 minutes)
structure Reference IP67 Dust / waterproof structure 
( under the instrument detector plug can be properly connected )
Dimensions Body: 70 (W) × 36 ( H) × 170 (D) mm 
electrodes: Ф16 × 173
weight Body: about 290g
Material Body: ABS resin
Standards form Meter body (with battery), pH electrode (CE-106) cable 
1M, the pH standard solution (50mL) PH7,4 each one, internal electrode solution (50mL) 
dropper, instruction manual, plastic caps, 
belts, guarantee, carry box
Goods sold Input type pH / ORP electrode-120-3 the CE 
the pH standard solution (pH7 · 250mL into) (pH4 · 250mL 
into) the pH electrode internal solution (3.3mol, KCL, 50 
mL) the pH standard powder reagent (pH7 500ml with 12 bags into ) (neutral 
phosphate) the pH standard powder reagent (pH4 500ml with 12 bags into) ( phthalates ) 
the ORP standard powder reagents (500ml with 12 bags into) ( quinone hydroquinone )

Name Type Machine Material Junction is diameter Trait Internal fluid cable
Determination of water-mining standard 
pH / ORP electrode
EC-106 PP φ3 ceramic 
single junction is
F16 Fine type 
of good reactivity
Supplementary type 1m
Standard input type measuring 
pH / ORP electrode
EC-120-3 PVC φ3 ceramic 
single junction is
f24.5 Carried to facilitate 
ease of use
No supplementary type 3m