Thiết bị phân tích khí hòa tan TM8 Qualitrol

Mã sản phẩm: TM8 |
Thương hiệu: Qualitrol

Giá bán: Liên hệ
The TM8 is our industry leading 8 gas online DGA monitor. Based on an analytical platform built around a Gas Chromatogram (GC) the TM8 takes the recognized laboratory technology onto your transformer.

Yêu Cầu Giá Tốt

Thông tin sản phẩm

Correlates all 8 fault gases, moisture-in-oil, oil temperature, and ambient temperature to transformer load
TM View software provides powerful tools to manage your fleet of DGA transformer monitors, focusing attention on alarming assets and simplifying the analysis of data which warrants further review
Automatic download of DGA data to a central database
Graphing and trending of DGA data
IEEE and IEC diagnostic tools such as  Rogers Ratios, and the Duvals Triangles 1, 4 & 5 and  Duvals Pentagon for advanced diagnostics


Moisture-in-oil and oil temperature measurement
Integrated Display
Optional Interfaces: Cellular modem, Ethernet Copper (10/100Base-TX), Wireless Radio
Serveron® TM8 installation and / or commissioning
TM View software installation and user training
A variety of service plans to ensure guaranteed analyzer operation over the long term


Throughout electrical network infrastructure systems there are transformers that are vital to the reliability of the grid – GSU’s, large transmission transformers, and critical substation and industrial application transformers. The Serveron® TM8 offers the most comprehensive DGA assessment available for these mission critical transformers..

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