Thiết bị phân tích khí hòa tan TM3 Qualitrol

Mã sản phẩm: TM3 |
Thương hiệu: Qualitrol

Giá bán: Liên hệ
The TM3 is Serveron®’s highly accurate and repeatable 3 gas online DGA monitor. Based on an analytical platform built around a Gas Chromatogram (GC) the TM3 takes the recognized laboratory technology onto your transformer and used it to provide you with data capable of employing the globally recognized Duval triangle diagnostic algorithm.

Yêu Cầu Giá Tốt

Thông tin sản phẩm

Correlates 3 fault gases (acetylene, ethylene, and methane), moisture-in-oil, oil temperature and ambient temperature to transformer load
The combination of on-line DGA data automatically populating the Duval Triangle provides unprecedented insight into fault diagnosis
Our TM View software allows you to track and alarm on ppm and rate of change for the gases measured while at the same time providing for automatic diagnosis of developing faults using the powerful Duval Triangle algorithm


Moisture-in-oil and oil temperature measurement
Integrated display
Optional Interfaces: Cellular modem, Ethernet Copper (10/100Base-TX), Wireless Radio
Serveron® TM3 installation and / or commissioning
TM View software installation and  user training
A variety of service plans to ensure guaranteed analyzer operation over the long term


There are many substation transformers that merit on-line monitoring, but the investment required couldn’t be justified—until now. The Serveron TM3 provides the perfect combination of high quality analytics at an affordable price. The Serveron® TM3 is the only transformer condition alert system in its class that offers legitimate identification of the most critical transformer fault types. These critical fault types—partial discharge, arcing and thermal faults—can develop in a short period of time and lead to transformer failure. Monitoring for them is affordable with TM3.

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