Thiết bị phân tích khí hòa tan DGA 150/250/400 Qualitrol

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Thương hiệu: Qualitrol

Giá bán: Liên hệ
Hydrogen is generated under most fault conditions that occur in power transformers and is an early indication of larger problems in the transformers lifecycle. Real time monitoring of hydrogen provides an economical method for maintaining the overall health of the transformer.

Yêu Cầu Giá Tốt

Thông tin sản phẩm

Enables real-time monitoring of hydrogen (H2), an early indicator of transformer fault conditions
Accurately measures hydrogen without interference from other fault gases
Integrates with existing monitoring equipment and utilizes available transformer installation points
Integrated oil sampling valve with Luer fitting for easy sample collection

 Mounting Options

DGA 150 – Drain Valve – 1.5” NPT Union fitting (thread mount)
DGA 250 – RPRR – 2.5” NPT Union fitting (thread mount)
DGA 400 – RPRR (flange mount)


Qualitrol’s DGA series enables online monitoring of dissolved hydrogen in a variety of transformers including conservator, air and nitrogen blanketed models. Sensors can be easily mounted directly in the insulating oil or in the gas headspace, providing multiple mounting options. Additionally, Qualitrol has integrated hydrogen sensing capabilities in its latest Rapid Pressure Rise Relief (RPRR) design (optional).All this is provided at a market beating low price point to make wide scale deployment even at distribution level affordable.

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