For video recording of a high-speed recurring phenomenon, the product can also be used as a stroboscope by dividing the synchronizing signal (FG-310 pulse generator required).
Since the product is a strobe flash, it is capable of providing high momentary light intensity. It is also compact and easy to use. The unit generates minimal heat, allowing for safe use. (As the product generates high voltage, do not touch the inside of the unit. Internal high voltage can cause serious accidents and injuries.)
Suitable for ultrahigh-speed video cameras capable of shooting 50,000 frames to 1,000,000 frames per second.
For an increased illumination effect, either one-lamp flash (13.2-W input) or four-lamp flash (2.2 W each) can be selected.
The flash time can be varied within a range of 50 µsec to 2 msec so that unnecessary illumination can be reduced.
Voltage signal or current loop can be used as a flash starting signal.
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