RF TV/SAT/CATV Signal Level Meter. Measurements: MER, PER, LDPC, BCH, aBER, bBER, EVM, Noise Margin, Average Power, Echoes/Microechoes/Pre-echoes in Real Time. CATV: Ingress, Leakage, Barscan & Tilt. Real-time Spectrum with MAX HOLD.
ISBD-T (model HD TAB 9I for Latin America)
9-inch Color TFT High Brightness 16:10 Display.
Touch Screen
LI-ion Polymer Battery for up to 6 hours of operation.
ASI Transport Stream Reader, Recorder, and Analyzer – based on ETR101 and 290 (option).
Decoded Picture Display and Dolby® AC-3 Audio (option).
MPEG-2 and MPEG-4.
AC Adapter
Carrying Case
IPTV Analyzer – ASI over IP (option)
Optical Power Meter (option)
GPS (option)
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