Refractoriness under load 421 Netzsch

Mã sản phẩm: 421 |
Thương hiệu: Netzsch

Giá bán: Liên hệ
Refractoriness under load
Model: 421
Hãng: Netzsch

Yêu Cầu Giá Tốt

Thông tin sản phẩm
Plotting of the absolute or relative expansion/shrinkage curves
Various correction options:
correction of the system’s own expansion behavior with either a calibration measurement or sample holder correction
offset correction
Semi-automatic routines for determination of onset, peak and end temperatures
Determination of softening points in accordance with DIN/ISO standards
Automatic softening point detection
Derivation of curves for determination of the temperature- or time-dependent linear expansion rates
Expansion coefficients: calculation and graphic presentation of the technical and physical expansion coefficients
Specific graphics and tabulated results for RUL and CIC