Raman Zoom Lens RTS20x Series Bwtek

Mã sản phẩm: RTS20x Series |
Thương hiệu: Bwtek

Giá bán: Liên hệ
Raman Zoom Lens
Model: RTS20x Series
Hãng: Bwtek

Yêu Cầu Giá Tốt

Thông tin sản phẩm
- This series of lenses is equipped with long working distances from 20 mm to 6 meters, which expands the utility of our BAC100/BAC102 fiber optic Raman probes to measure in places that may be inaccessible to a standard probe. The lenses have adjustable working distances and provide a wide zoom, and even telescopic measurements, with various models available, each optimized for different Raman excitation ranges. The long working distances allow for process monitoring behind optical glass such as glass vacuum chambers, and analysis of samples in difficult-to-access places such as may be found in archaeological sites. The model with working distance up to 6 meters allows for stand-off measurements such as needed for energetic materials. The lenses can be mounted on a tripod (optional) using a standard ¼”-20 thread mount.
- Stand-off measurements of energetics
- Process monitoring through thick-walled glass reactors
- Non-contact high temperature, high pressure measurements
- Archeological measurements in ruins, buildings and other structures
- Noncontact measurement of art works