The ANALECT® Diamond 20™ FTIR/FT-NIR system is designed for operation in rugged at-line environments as well as the laboratory bench. The Diamond 20 system is typically used for calibration and applications development in support of ANALECT’s series of on-line continuous stream and batch process analyzers.
The rugged Transept™ Interferometer is the core optical technology shared in all ANALECT® FTIR and FT-NIR analyzers
Wide array of MIR and NIR sampling and detector options
Hermetically sealed interferometer withstands moisture and protects
against contamination
Seamless calibration transfer between the Diamond 20 system and other ANALECT®
FTIR process analyzers
SpectraStudio™ software provides fast and flexible data management and processing
with an extensive library of applications
Full chemometric modeling capability including SpectraQuant,™ Eigenvector PLS Toolbox®, Eigenvector Solo®, Camo Unscrambler, Matlab®, Infometrix Pirouette® and Grams PLSiQ
>>> Giá bán ANALECT® RefinIR™ chính hãng