PC Interface
The iDSC can transfer to PC memory continuously at the 1.2M samples per second required for 8 simultaneous channels sampling at its maximum rate per channel of 153.6k samples per second.
Software Selectable Acquisition Front End
Menu choices configure which physical inputs to sample. The iDSC 1816 provides up to 8 inputs each with its own separate software-selected filter.
Synchronizing Several Boards
Onboard circuitry and special synchronization connectors can support several Microstar Laboratories boards, in any combination of iDSC and DAP models, running in the same PC. A master DAP provides a sampling or an update clock to software-selectable slave DAPs. A software-selectable master iDSC provides a sampling clock to software-selectable slave iDSC boards. The iDSC sampling clock signal, when applied to the external clock input of the master DAP, synchronizes both groups of boards. Each DAP then may sample up to 153.6k samples per second. Microstar Laboratories also provides for synchronization of boards installed in different PCs. Contact us for details.
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