- The OAM305 plug-in system will receive an analog signal in the range 6 Hz to 15 MHz up to a distance of 1 km via fiber optic link.
- The OAM305P base unit plug-in is a single channel receiver to be connected to one OAM305S satellite unit.
- MOCS mainframes can house up to twelve OAM305P base unit plug-ins for a total of twelve independent optical channels.
- Single channel plug-in for MOCS mainframes (up to twelve independent channels per mainframe)
- 6 Hz to 15 MHz operating frequency range
- 1 MOhm input impedance
- 1Vpp to 100Vpp full scale input in 5 selectable ranges
- 1Vpp full scale output on 50 Ohm
- Signal-to-noise ratio better than 50 dB
- Shielded to >200 V/m EM fields, 10 kHz to 18 GHz