NIR optimized camera Manta G-145B NIR Allied Vision Technologies

Mã sản phẩm: Manta G-145B NIR |
Thương hiệu: Allied Vision Technologies

Giá bán: Liên hệ
NIR optimized camera
Model: Manta G-145B NIR
Hãng: Allied Vision Technologies

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Thông tin sản phẩm
- Manta G-145B NIR is an near-infrared optimized camera with the popular Type 2/3 (11.0 mm diagonal) Sony ICX285 CCD sensor with EXview HAD technology. Besides the enhanced near infrared (NIR) sensitivity, it is distinguished by an excellent anti-blooming. This camera provides three modes with higher frame rates or higher NIR sensitivity. These modes are switchable during operation. On request, board level variants with separate sensor head (up to 200 mm distance to camera main board) are available. By default the Manta G-145B NIR ships with no optical filter.

- Image optimization features: 
+ Auto gain (manual gain control: 0 to 33 dB; 1 dB increments)
+ Auto exposure (manual exposure control: ≈ 20 µs to 60 s, depending on NIR mode)
+ Binning
+ Black level (offset)
+ Decimation
+ Gamma correction
+ Three look-up tables (LUTs)
+ Region of interest (ROI), separate ROI for auto features
+ Three operating modes with higher NIR sensitivity or higher frame rates
+ ReverseX 

- Camera control features:
+ Auto-iris (video type)
+ Event channel
+ Image chunk data
+ Storable user sets
+ StreamBytesPerSecond (bandwidth control)
+ Stream hold
+ Sync out modes: Trigger ready, input, exposing, readout, imaging, strobe, GPO