Milliamp Transducer Simulator 1077 Time Electronics

Mã sản phẩm: 1077 |
Thương hiệu: Time Electronics

Giá bán: Liên hệ
3 operating modes
100mA source and load
24V line mode
0.02% accuracy
Safety terminals
Battery level indicator
Supplied with protective cover

Yêu Cầu Giá Tốt

Thông tin sản phẩm
A multi-purpose handheld test instrument that can be used as an adjustable current load, adjustable power supply, or precision current source.
The 1077 is commonly used for the testing and simulation of milliamp transducer systems. Compact and rugged design make the 1077 ideal for use in both the lab and field, with protective rubber cover to increase durability. The instrument is built to withstand arduous use, meaning it is well suited to process control applications.


0 to 100mA in 3 ranges:
0 to 99.99mA in 10μA steps
0 to 9.999mA in 1μA steps
0 to 999.9μA in 0.1μA steps

Accuracy ± 0.02% of setting + ± 0.02% of range + ± 0.02μA.
Output Stability Less than 60ppm/°C. Less than 25ppm per hour at constant temperature
Output Noise Less than 15ppm of full scale.
Drive Voltage Adjustable from 14 to 40 volts (Source mode).
Drive Power 2.4 watts maximum.
Applied Voltage 3 volts minimum to 40 volts maximum (Load mode).
Voltage Limit Indicator Provides indication of insufficient drive voltage.
24 V Line Simulation Adjustable 14V to 40V, 100mA current limit, Maximum output power 2.4 watts.
Display A 3.5 digit (1999 max) LCD display indicating line current.
Measure Range 0 to 20mA
Resolution 10μA
Accuracy 0.2% of reading + 1 count.
Dimensions H200 x W75 x D110mm (H215 x W100 x D120mm including protective cover)
Weight 1.1kg (1.5kg including protective cover)
Power Supply NiMH rechargeable batteries with external mains recharger (supplied). Standard mains voltage is 220–250V, 50/60Hz. 100–125V, 50/60Hz is available but must be specified on ordering.
Supplied With Protective cover (fitted), rechargeable battery pack (installed) with mains charger, and user manual
Optional Extras Leather carry case. Calibration certificates traceable to NPL and UKAS
Country of Origin UK