Máy quét biên dạng Trimos TR Scan

Mã sản phẩm: TR Scan 101 |
Thương hiệu: Trimos

Giá bán: Liên hệ

Yêu Cầu Giá Tốt

Thông tin sản phẩm

The TR Scan offers an innovative alternative to classical surface measurement. Its modular concept, allowing adaptation to each application, and its simple use, make it very efficient in the workshop. Because of its simplicity of use, the TR Scan can be operated by workshop personnel to get reliable results secured with minimum training. All measured surfaces can be treated according to current international standards such as ISO, DIN, JIS, ASME, CNOMO etc., as well as the upcoming ISO 25178 3D standard.

The TR Scan is completely designed and manufactured in Switzerland according to the highest quality standards. Robustness, reliability and longevity are part of our tradition. Trimos instruments have been used in workshops and labs for over 30 years.

The interchangeability of the measuring heads gives the possibility to select the most appropriate technology for each application. This flexibility allows the characterization of surfaces in numerous application fields, such as mechanical industry (all types of machined surfaces), car and aerospace industries, photovoltaics, as well as plastics, papers, imprints, fibrous materials, wood, abrasives, paint, cosmetics, etc.

  • Measuring results fully comparable to classical systems
  • Complies to all international standards
  • Intuitive, easy-to-use interface
  • Robust industrial system for the workshop
  • Possible automated measurements
  • Modular and compact concept
  • Measurement and analysis within seconds

Technical specifications

TR Scan   101 201 301
Horizontal measuring range X mm - 100 100
Horizontal measuring range Y mm - - 100
Vertical measuring range Z mm 240
Measuring system accuracy XYZ µm 0.1
Positioning accuracy XYZ µm 1
Rectitude of the guideways XY µm 1.5
Max. weight of the part kg 20

Measuring heads   DHM S1 DHM S2 CCM P1 DIA P1
Vertical resolution (Z) nm 1 1 8 ÷ 22 10
Lateral resolution (XY) µm 0.6 0.6 0.9 ÷ 3.5 1
Typical measuring range RA µm 0.4 1.6 >200 20
Vertical measuring range µm 3 7 130 ÷ 400 350
Max. permissible errors RA % 1% 1% 1% ÷ 5% 5%
Repeatability (Ra, 1σ) nm <0.1 <0.1 <5 ÷ 20 9
Sample reflectivity % <1% ÷ 100% <1% ÷ 100% 1% ÷ 100% -
Field of view mm 0.25 x 0.25 0.25 x 0.25 - -

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