Advantages of the PD-SGS
Rapidly survey whole substation – and detect MV and HV problems before they occur
Personnel Safety Device – ensure the substation is clear of PD before conducting work
Hear the PD – only instrument available that allows the user to hear both ultrasonic and TEV PD activity
Ensure accurate results - Auto alert when the system is detection Noise instead of real PD
Ergonomic and compact design – fits in the user’s pocket and Is easy to use
Long lasting battery – allowing a whole day of testing without requiring a recharge
TEV – PD Detection
Partial discharge activity inside metal clad high voltage plant induces small voltage impulses called Transient Earth Voltages on the surface of the metal panels. TEVs travel around the surface to the outside of the switchgear where they can be picked up externally using capacitively coupled transducers.
AE – PD Detection
Defects on the surface of high voltage insulators are prone to a phenomenon called ‘tracking’. Tracking causes carbon deposits to build up over time and ultimately leads to flashover and insulation failure. The PD-SGS is highly sensitive to the ultrasonic emissions produced by tracking and enables any on-set to be detected before insulation failure occurs.
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