Flame-resistance Tester TO-880 Test One

Mã sản phẩm: TO-880 |
Thương hiệu: Test One

Giá bán: Liên hệ
Flame-resistance Tester
Model: TO-880
Hãng: Test One

Yêu Cầu Giá Tốt

Thông tin sản phẩm
- The tester was produced based on standards of UL94, ISO, KS, ASTM, etc. This is a device that measures the flame retardant performance.
- This is usually divided into three forms of horizontal, vertical, 45 ˚ based on the location of the sample. There are different burners and ignitions for each standard. Mainly, automotive products are produced based on the standard of horizontal type (FMV SS 302). The tester only for UL94(safety testing and certification organization of U.S.) is also produced.
- By adopting the auto ignition system, a smooth gas supply(ignition) is available. Besides, when the door is opened, automatic fire extinguishing system is on stream, so it`s safety is excellent.
- Related standards such as interiors of materials of automotive products, building interiors and exteriors, plastic, urethane, fabric, carpet, etc. are different depending on the product, so check the appropriate model and specifications is required.