Digital Recorder HiRES Highvolt

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Thương hiệu: Highvolt

Giá bán: Liên hệ
The digital recorders HiRES are used to measure, store, and evaluate signals from up to 64 sources synchronously. Depending on the sensors used voltages, currents, temperatures, mechanical movements and various other signals can be measured. This measurement system features the ability to capture fast transient processes such as those occurring in impulse current tests on electrical devices or during switchgear testing.

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Thông tin sản phẩm

The system is also capable of measuring semistationary and periodic events such as DC voltage and AC voltage as well as superimposed semistationary, periodic and transient processes.

The digital recorder is a modular system equipped with several different types of channels for capturing measurement signals. It is integrated into a compact EMI-proof enclosure. Even potential-free measurements are possible by remote probes connected to the main device by fiber-optic connections. Additional modules allow digital in- and output for automated testing (sequencer functionality).

The digital recorder is controlled by a built-in industrial PC. This measurement system is equipped with a comprehensive HiRES Advanced software package that enables you to capture, evaluate and store the measured values, as well as create logs of them. Additionally available software modules make it more convenient to perform complex testing and evaluation procedures, even an Object Pascal script compiler for customized test procedures with direct access to all functions of the digital recorder is available.

The digital recorders are available in two different models. The HiRES S2/S4 is a compact standalone measuring system mostly intended for mobile use or smaller test setups. The HiRES S6 is the rack-mountable version with up to 104 measuring channels for more complex test setups.


For measuring, storing, and evaluating:

  • Measurements in high power and high current labs
  • Testing of switching elements of HV circuits (circuit breakers, disconnectors, tap changers, etc.)
  • EMC/EMI testing
  • Research and Development
  • Testing automotive, train, airplane and other components


The HiRES S2/S4 digital recorder


  • Standalone device
  • Suitable for flexible test setups, on-site testing, and calibration work 


The HiRES S6 digital recorder


  • Plug-in device that can be integrated into a control panel/cabinet
  • All operations can be performed directly at the device and via LAN 


  • Flexible system for multiple measuring applications
  • Potential-free measurement with fiber optic probe connection
  • High measurement accuracy even when exposed to strong EMI, such as in EMI testing, high power and high current labs
  • Integrated Report Generator to easily display and output measurement results
  • Signals for control of test system and test object
  • Comprehensive evaluation tools to process measured values
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