Brabender measuring mixers Brabender

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Thương hiệu: Brabender

Giá bán: Liên hệ

Yêu Cầu Giá Tốt

Thông tin sản phẩm
Brabender® measuring mixers are interchangeable measuring heads which serve, connected to a Plasti-Corder®, lab-station or Plastograph®, for determination of thermoplastics, thermosets, elastomers, ceramic molding compounds, fillers, pigments and much more plastic and plastifying materials under praxis-oriented conditions, cost-effective, reliable and little expenditure of time and material.

The measuring mixers consist of a mixer backstand with gear unit and a mixer bowl. In addition to the electronic safety systems, they are connected to the drive unit through a shear pin coupling protecting both mixer and drive unit from damage due to overload.

The blades are made of special steel. Counter-rotation towards each other at different speeds provides excellent compounding and mixing characteristics. Heating/cooling is done either through a cold circulation thermostat or electrically with air cooling.

The series 50 and 350 measuring mixers can be equipped with a step-control which offers special advantages for recipe development. Define a sequencer control with up to 20 mixing steps from your computer keyboard.

The user-optimized WINMix software provides for evaluation of the measured data in compliance with the latest standards.
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