Multimeter /calibrator for voltage, current, resistance METRACAL MC Gossen Metrawat

Mã sản phẩm: METRACAL MC |
Thương hiệu: Gossen Metrawat

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Thiết bị hiệu chuẩn đa chức năng METRACAL MC Gossen Metrawat

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Thông tin sản phẩm
Product Highlights

Universal calibrator, simulator and multimeter
mA / mV... V / °C (Pt100/1000, Ni100/1000
thermocouples: J, L, T, U, K, E, S, R, B, N) / 30 ... 2000 Ω
Dual mode ÁV simultaneous calibration and measurement (U / I)
Measuring and encoding in absolute terms and as percentage (scaled)
Memory for measurement results: 16 MBit
Frequency and pulse run generators: 1 Hz to 2 kHz
Ramp and staircase functions
METRAwin µ90-2 interface and calibration software
Transmitter simulator (sink: 0... 24 mA)
DAkkS calibration certificate included
Rugged, EMC compliant design
Precision multimeter (V, A, Ω, F, Hz, °C / F)
30,000 (60,000) digits and triple display
TRMS AC measurement to 1 kHz