Humidity and temperatura transmitter, 180 ºC HumiTrans 620 Leyro Instrument

Mã sản phẩm: HumiTrans 620 |
Thương hiệu: Leyro Instrument

Giá bán: Liên hệ
The humidity and temperature transmitter HumiTrans 620 is the most potent Leyro transmitter. This unit allows multiple parameters of any hygroscopic as well as work in a temperature range up to 180 ºC.

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Thông tin sản phẩm
The capacitive sensor with high quality LE1800 ensures excellent stability on any type of application.
The HumiTrans 620 transmitter is presented with a unique configuration with many possibilities and great potential applications thanks to its software.
The team comes in mural elongation wired version 2 meters for the most demanding applications because the HumiTrans 620 is designed to work in a temperature range of -40 ... 180 ° C.
The transmitter has an analog output for dew point or frost point ppm volume concentration