Hot Wire Anemometer AVM 714 Tecpel

Mã sản phẩm: AVM 714 |
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Hot Wire Anemometer
Model : AVM 714
Hãng : Tecpel

Yêu Cầu Giá Tốt

Thông tin sản phẩm
- Thermal Anemometer, avilable for very low air velocity measurement.
- RS 232 PC serial interface.
- Multi-functions for air flow measurement: m/s, km/h, ft/min. knots, mile/h.
- The portable anemometer provdes fast accurate reading with digital readability and the convenience of a remote probe separately.
- Slim probe, dieal for grillers & diffusers,
- Combination of hot wire and standard thermistor, deliver rapid and precise measurements even at low air velocity value.
- Microprocessor circuit assures maximum possible accuracy, provides special functions and features.
- Super large LCD with dual function meter display, read the air velocity and temp. at the same time.
- Heavy duty and compact housing case.
- Reocrds maximum and minimum readins with recall function.
- Data hold
- Auto power off to save battery life
- Build in temperature deg C and deg F measurement.
- Thermistor sensor for Temp. Measurement, fast response time
- used the durable, long-lasting components, including a strong, light weight ABS plastic housing case.
- Deluxe hard carrying case
- Applications: Environmental testing, air conveyors, flow hoods, clean roooms, air velocity, air balancing, fans/motors/blowers/furnace velocity, refrigerated case.
- Operates from 6 pcs UM-4 batteries
- Optional PC software.