The AVIR series is designed for 200V applications requiring pulse widths from 2 to 1000 ns, at repetition rates up to 50 kHz.
The AVIR-1 family provides output amplitudes continuously variable from < 20 Volts up to 200 Volts (into 50 Ohms), pulse widths variable from 2 ns to 5 ns, with 1 ns rise times. The maximum pulse repetition
frequency is 50 kHz. The AVIR-2 family is similar, but features pulse widths from 3 to 10 ns, with 1.5 ns rise times, and operation to 20 kHz.
For wider pulse width applications, the AVIR-3 family offers 10 to 200 ns pulse widths with 2 ns rise times. The AVIR-4 family essentially combines the AVIR-2 and AVIR-3 technologies to offer pulse widths from 4 to 200 ns, in two ranges (4 to 10 ns, and 10 to 200 ns). The AVIR-4D-B offers wider pulses, to 1 us.
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